Friday, February 1, 2008

I Forgot the Best Part

I have been working on Valentine ornaments and have just uploaded the image at right - my latest and greatest.  The best part is the tiny scrap quote in the upper left corner, which I am sure you can't see.  I happened upon a tiny little leather bound book of quotes last year when I was helping to sort through my grandparents belongings with my siblings. It was published by Hallmark, not sure when, but it's old and vintage and good.  I think I remember a little squabble with my sister over ownership.  When I told her it was from Hallmark, she didn't want it any more - ha, my strategy worked.  It is a treasure. She is a bit of a literary snob (love ya).

Here is the quote.

Fear less, hope more;
eat less, chew more;
whine less, breathe more;
talk less, say more;
hate less, love more;
and all good things are yours.

Swedish Proverb

Oh those swedes! Who knew that chewing more could be such a blessing.


Kris said...

I believe it was Peter Ustinov who said "Laughter would be bereaved if snobbery died." So keep laughin' sister!

Steph said...

If I were there, I would have been in on the squabble for the quote book. I LOVE quotes and constantly annoyed soccer teammates with pregame inspirational quotes. Ironically, they chose me as captain, so they had to listen to me!

katie said...

Ya, ya, the svedes are goot. Jag önskar hjärtan